Black ribbon eel

uw857_11 Gunturs Point - Manado - Indonesia
Hermit crab close-up

uw473_22 Johnsons Point - Pulau Bunaken - Sulawesi - Indonesia
 Hippocampus kuda
uw421_32 Liang Reef - Pulau Bunaken - Sulawesi - Indonesia
Gorgonians, soft corals and anemone with blue fish background/80*120-introbold

uw390_28 Toyapakeh Bay - Nusa Penida - Bali - Indonesia
Bubble coral shrimp
 Vir philippinensis
uw229_18 Pulau Buaya - Cave point
Couple of arminidae

uw216_01 Pulau Alor - Indonesia - Kalabahi Bay - Wowal night dive
Giant lions mane jellyfish

uw200_e Rayners Rock - Aur - Malaysia
Anemone shrimp
 Periclimenes brevicarpalis
uw822_02 Popo (Bethlehem) - North-Sulawesi - Indonesia
Blue thuridella on orange sponge

uw852_11 Alung Banua - Pulau Bunaken National Park - Indonesia
Adult spinecheek clownfish
 Premnas biaculeatus
uw849_14 Mikes Point - Bunaken National Park - Indonesia
Elysia ornata

uw594_05 Sangeang Island - Komodo - Indonesia
Shoal of black snappers
 Macolor niger
uw601_04 Alung Banua - Pulau Bunaken - Indonesia
 Manta birostris
uw001_01 Pulau Chebeh North - Tioman - Malaysia
Clownfishes, banggai cardinal fishes and photographer
 Pterapogon kauderni
uw820_31 Police Pier - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Emperor shrimp
 Periclimenes imperator
uw683_29 Hair ball - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
 Sphyraena qenie
uw828_13 Pangalingan - Manado Tua - Indonesia
Yellow scorpionfish

uw454_34 Likuan II - Pulau Bunaken - Sulawesi - Indonesia
Long arms marbled shrimp
 Saron marmoratus (male)
uw694_24a Likuan III - Bunaken - Indonesia
Juvenile white tip reef shark
 Triaenodon obesus
uw307_08 Likuan II - Pulau Bunaken - Indonesia
Banggai cardinalfishes
 Pterapogon kauderni
uw741_ea Police Pier - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Harlequin shrimp in coral setting

uw766_34 Likuan III - Bunaken - Indonesia
Porcelain crab in purple anemone
 Dascyllus trimaculatus in Heteractis magnifica, wi
uw684_04 Hair ball - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Yellow pygmy seahorse
 Hippocampus denise
uw688_14 Angel window - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Sleeping napoleon
 Cheilinus undulatus
uw767_27 Likuan III - Bunaken - Indonesia
Couple of pontohs seahorses
 Hippocampus pontohi
uw753_06 Alung Banua - Bunaken - Indonesia
Anemone shrimp
uw756_24 Molas - Manado Mainland - Indonesia
Blue ribbon eel out of her hole
 Rhinomuraena quaesita
uw757_23 Black Rock - Manado mainland - Indonesia
Armina sp.
 Armina nudibranch
uw758_09a Black Rock - Manado mainland - Indonesia
Hydroids and ascidians setting
 Aglaophenia cupressina, Polycarpa aurata & Rhopala
uw762_14 Togas - Manado mainland - Indonesia
Ghostpipefish close-up
 Solenostomus paradoxus
uw761_27 Pantai Indah - Manado city - Indonesia
Box crab
 Calappa calappa
uw416_09 Liang beach laguna - Pulau Bunaken - Sulawesi - Indonesia
Two red ornate ghostpipefishes
 Solenostomus paradoxus
uw598_03a Sals Point - Manado - Indonesia

uw604_30 Hair ball - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Juvenile batfishes in blur water
 Platax ?
uw606_21 Nudi Retreat - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Soft coral crab
 Hoplophrys oatesii
uw476_19 Negeri - Manado Tua - Sulawesi - Indonesia
Hingebeak shrimp close-up
 Rhynchocinetes sp.
uw473_34 Johnsons Point - Pulau Bunaken - Sulawesi - Indonesia
Orange frogfish close-up
 Antennarius maculatus ? - 15 cm
uw617_22 Hair Ball II - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
White coral composition

uw214_02a Pulau Buaya - Crocodile cave
Sleeping parrotfish

uw306_05 Likuan III - Pulau Bunaken - Indonesia
Pigmy seahorse (profile)
 Hippocampus bargibanti
uw411_28 Somewhere off Manado - Sulawesi - Indonesia
A marguerite anemone
 Actinothoé sphyrodeta
uw535_03 Arcachon - Baie St-Yves - France
Crab face

uw546_34 Rivière dEstel - Plouhinec - France
French blenny in a hole

uw545_20 Rivière dEstel - Plouhinec - France
Hiding starfish

uw542_32 Thuringen Shipwreck - Plouhinec - France
Heap of starfishes

uw542_21 Thuringen Shipwreck - Plouhinec - France
Hingebeak shrimp

uw539_35 Arcachon - Les bunkers de Pyla - France
Long haired seahorse

uw537_15 Plage du Grand Piquey - Bassin dArcachon
Nudibranch and fish
 Hypselodoris cantabrica
uw536_30 Arcachon - Baie St-Yves - France
Open mouth goby

uw535_31 Arcachon - Baie St-Yves - France
Green anemone

uw545_12 Rivière dEstel - Plouhinec - France
Starfish arm around a coral
 Fromia monilis
uw342_32 Pulau Labas South - Tioman - Malaysia
Unidentified shrimp

uw251_17 Maumere - Flores - Indonesia - Sea World Beach - Night dive
Turtle and dazzling sun

uw254_24 Dropoff - Pulau Sipadan - Malaysia
Marbled shrimp
 Saron sp. 1
uw306_09 Likuan III - Pulau Bunaken - Indonesia
Shoaling jacks and wreck/50*60/75-P2bold

uw395_01a Liberty Wreck - Tulamben - Bali - Indonesia
Black coral shrimps
 Pontonides unciger
uw424_08 Raymonds point - Pulau Bunaken - Sulawesi - Indonesia
Spinecheek clownfish
 Premnas biaculeatus
uw450_20 Likuan II - Pulau Bunaken - Sulawesi - Indonesia
Arrowhead crab
 Naxioides taurus
uw456_e Johnsons Point - Pulau Bunaken - Indonesia
White snake eel with shrimp
 Ophichthus melanochir
uw467_11a Pulisan - Sulawesi - Indonesia
Crocodile fish eye
 Cymbacephalus beauforti
uw473_05 Johnsons Point - Pulau Bunaken - Sulawesi - Indonesia
Pigmy seahorse
 Hippocampus bargibanti
uw169_25 Somewhere off Manado - Indonesia
Starfish shrimp
 Periclimenes soror on choriaster granulatus
uw168_13 Mokupa - Manado - Indonesia
 Thysanostoma thysanura
uw144_28 Chebeh NW - Tioman - Malaysia
Orange christmas trees
 Spirobranchus giganteus
uw102_08 Gili Banta - Night dive - Indonesia
 Risbecia tryoni
uw079_15 Mimpi Garden - Tulamben - Bali - Indonesia
Shoal of jacks

uw076_14 Liberty Wreck - Tulamben - Bali
Parrotfishs eye

uw058_e Cela Cela - Pulau Bunaken - Indonesia
Arrowhead crab
 Naxioides taurus
uw058_27 Cela Cela - Pulau Bunaken - Indonesia
Giant brown moray eel

uw022_16 Chebeh North-West
 Amphiprion ocellaris
uw005_00 Malang Rocks - Tioman - Malaysia