Please read this agreement carefully before downloading or ordering any image.
Using any or all of the images in Bertrand Chauvel Photography's photo
library or archive constitutes a legal agreement between you, the user, and
us, Bertrand Chauvel Photography.
All images displayed in this web-site are copyrighted Bertrand Chauvel
Photography. Copying, downloading, publishing and selling of the images
contained in this web-site is prohibited unless granted to you by a specific
agreement signed with us. The same restrictions apply to any photographic media
delivered to you that is to be strictly used within the conditions defined within
an agreement between you and us. No ownership interest or copyright in any image shall
pass to you by the download or receptions of any of our images or by the
granting of the license to reproduce an image.
Publication of all copyrighted Bertrand Chauvel Photography images are subject
and limited by a single use specific agreement between you and us that defines the
use of the image. Any publication, commercial or non-commercial use of our
images that would be out of the agreement is forbidden and subject to additional
agreement. Any agreement between you and us grants you to a personal, non-
exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicenseable right to reproduce the images in
the way defined by the agreement and not another. Reproduction will be subject
to the payment fee and no agreement will be delivered until the reproduction fee is paid.
Internet or multi-media use
When used on the as part of a public Internet publication, no copyrighted
Bertrand Chauvel Photography digital image should be displayed in a size greater
than 400 x 267 pixels. When used in other than Internet publications, Bertrand
Chauvel Photography's images must not be made available for downloading
separately or intended for permanent storage or re-use by website users in a
digital size grater than 400 x 267 pixels. Similarly, clients shall be provided
with digital copies of greater than 400 x 267 pixels as an integral part of work
product, but shall not be provided with such image digital files or permitted to use them separately.
Legal responsibility
If you are signing an agreement with us on behalf of your employer, the license
granted and restrictions and limitations recited in the agreement apply to your
employer as well as to you as a representative of your employer. Should you
cease working for your employer, your employer may continue to operate under this agreement.
Bertrand Chauvel Photography declines any sort of responsibility for any legal, financial
or political consequence of the use of any of our pictures. Sensitive individuals/corporates
will liable to their own insurance policies should the case apply.
Unlawful use
Pornographic, defamatory, or otherwise unlawful use of the image is prohibited.
Any endorsement, implied or otherwise, or reproduction of an image in connection
with any potentially sensitive issue including, but not limited to, sex,
political or religious extremist, physical or mental challenges, substance abuse is prohibited.
Bertrand Chauvel Photography guaranties that the images delivered under the form
of transparencies, CD-ROMs or downloaded files are free of defects. Bertrand
Chauvel Photography's responsibility is limited to the replacement at our own
cost of any technical defective media. However, there are no cases where the signed
publication agreement could be questioned, breached or cancelled by you should you estimate
the media to be below quality expectations. To avoid such disagreement, we commit to ensure
proper checking conditions for you to estimate the quality of our products before
purchasing. Should it apply, any exceptional limitation to the image quality such as
reframing, blur or corrected density will be included in the agreement approved by you.
Bertrand Chauvel Photography makes no warranties, expressed or implied,
including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose. Neither Bertrand Chauvel Photography nor any
of its directors, officers, employees, partners, licensors, or agents shall be
liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, consequential or incidental,
arising out of the use of, or the inability to use, the image. Bertrand Chauvel
Photography 's liability, if any, is limited to the amount you paid as a license fee.
Cancellation policy
You authorise Bertrand Chauvel Photography to charge you for the delivered
images under your signed agreement and accept the terms within the present
Limitation of image previews
All the pictures displayed on this website are optimised for fast download and are
saved as low quality JPEGs. They may not reflect the high quality standards of
our originals. To avoid any doubt regarding the quality of the final delivered
pictures, we can provide upon request a 400 x 267 preview via e-mail at best JPEG quality.
The images are available either under the form of scanned image files on CD-ROMs, e-mailed,
downloadable files or 35 mm duplicated transparencies. Some images may not be available
as transparencies : if applicable, you can get the info upon request.
Available file formats are :
Page size |
Printed size |
Image size 300 dpi |
Price range* |
W cm |
H cm |
W in |
H in |
W pixels |
H pixels |
Mpixels |
Quarter page or less |
10.5 |
14.9 |
4.1 |
5.8 |
1240 |
1754 |
2.2 |
US$ 65 - 100 |
Half page or less |
21.0 |
14.9 |
8.3 |
5.8 |
2480 |
1754 |
4.4 |
US$ 82 - 145 |
Full page or less |
21.0 |
29.7 |
8.3 |
11.7 |
2480 |
3508 |
8.7 |
US$ 100 - 180 |
Double page spread |
42.0 |
29.7 |
16.5 |
11.7 |
4961 |
3508 |
17.4 |
US$ 130 - 250 |
Cover |
21.0 |
29.7 |
8.3 |
11.7 |
2480 |
3508 |
8.7 |
US$ 350 - 700 |
A 35 mm duplicate transparency is considered and priced as a full page file format.
CD ROM image files are delivered as raw RGB TIFF uncompressed files written
on CD ROMS. No levels or density corrections are applied after scanning.
It is up to you to adjust them to your requirements.
Maximum quality JPEG files can be available as downloadable files from our web servers
upon request.
CD-ROMs and transparency duplicates will be sent by mail with additional
charge to the picture use agreement.
When received, sold CD-ROMs and transparency duplicates will remain your own
property but subject to the reproduction agreement signed between you and
Bertrand Chauvel Photography.
Other media such as posters, postcards, calendars are available upon request.
Pricing of the images is subject to their usage and will be provided upon
knowing your intended publications, commercial or non-commercial use. To
obtain a quotation, kindly contact our sales department by contact form
or by calling/faxing + 33 1 43 67 22 57, providing us with the following details:
Image reference (written under each web-preview)
Image format required (full page, 3/4, 1/2 or 1/4)
Type of publication (magazine, coffee table book, advertising, internet, postcard, personal,...)
If for advertising : printed add, posters, brochure, in-house use.
Regional scope : international, country (specify country)
Number of copies to be printed
If for Internet : duration of use
Additional rights
Additional rights may be available. If you are unsure of your rights under this
agreement, or if you wish to use an image in a manner not permitted under this
agreement, please contact our sales department via our contact
This agreement is governed by the laws of the Republic of France. You consent
to the personal jurisdiction to the French courts. Venue
for any action respecting this agreement, the images, or reproduction or
attempted reproduction of the images, shall be in the French territory.
Bertrand Chauvel Photography
11 rue de Fontarabie
75020 Paris FRANCE
Tel: +33 6 03 12 83 23
Fax: +33 1 40 14 26 85