Couple of lionfishes
uw959_27 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Pufferfish and moray eel
uw959_29 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
uw959_31 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Moray eel
uw959_e Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Pegasus moth
uw960_10 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Pegasus moths
uw960_18 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Coral setting
uw960_20 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Cadlinella ornatissima
uw960_27 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Chromodoris willani
uw960_34 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Chromodoris lochi
uw960_36 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Wide angle reefscape
uw961_11 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Wide angle close-up with clows and banggai cardinalfishes
uw961_16 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Wide angle reefscape
uw961_31 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Flamboyant cuttlefish
uw962_16 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Spider carb
uw962_21 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Couple of ambonian scorpionfishes
uw962_23 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Snake eel with shrimps
uw962_31 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Mating flatworms
uw962_35 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Couple of emperor shrimps
uw962_e Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Comet fish
uw963_08 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Heart of tubastreas
uw963_14 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Wide angle coral close-up
uw963_18 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Wide angle coral close-up
uw963_33 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Wide angle reefscape
uw964_01 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Wide angle reefscape
uw964_11 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Filefish close-up
uw965_18 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Humpback grouper
uw965_23 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Couple of harlequin shrimps
uw965_33 Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Wide angle reefscape
uw966_02 Bangka Island - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Wide angle reefscape
uw966_07 Bangka Island - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Wide angle reefscape
uw966_19 Bangka Island - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Wide angle reefscape
uw966_22 Bangka Island - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Wide angle reefscape
uw966_25 Bangka Island - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
uw967_07 Bangka Island - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
uw967_31 Bangka Island - North Sulawesi - Indonesia