Yellow cave corals
Tubastrea sp.
uw351_02 Pulau Soyah (night dive) - Tioman - Malaysia
Clown frogfish and urchin
Antennarius maculatus
uw819_17 Kambahu Bay - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Yellow sponge and damsel
uw820_22 Police Pier - Lembeh - Indonesia
Gorgonian and the sun
Subergorgia mollis
uw821_05 Mikes Point - Bunaken - Indonesia
Stylasteridae coral setting with nudibranch
Stylaster sp1
uw821_15 Mikes Point - Bunaken - Indonesia
Stylasteridae coral setting with nudibranch
Stylaster sp1
uw821_16 Mikes Point - Bunaken - Indonesia
Ambonian shrimp on anemone
Thor amboinensis
uw823_25a Popo (Bethlehem) - North-Sulawesi - Indonesia
Lionfish and orange crinoid
Pterois volitans
uw824_11a Tawara - Bunaken - Indonesia
Ascidians composiion
Polycarpa aurata
uw824_21a Tawara - Bunaken - Indonesia
Gorgonian and sun
uw825_02a Muka Kampung - Bunaken - Indonesia
Corals composition
uw825_04a Muka Kampung - Bunaken - Indonesia
Pink coral and sponge
Saron sp.
uw832_07 Johnsons Point - Bunaken - Indonesia
Damselfishes in hard coral
uw855_02 Tanjung Pisok - Manado - Indonesia
Nembrotha sp. nudibranch
Nembrotha sp.
uw855_10 Tanjung Pisok - Manado - Indonesia
Softcoral setting and chromodoris nudibranch
Dendronephtya sp. and Chromodoris sp.
uw855_13 Tanjung Pisok - Manado - Indonesia
Passing surgeonfishes
uw856_24 Pangalingan - Manado Tua - Indonesia
Thuridella nudibranch ?
uw857_03 Gunturs Point - Manado - Indonesia
Black ribbon eel
uw857_10 Gunturs Point - Manado - Indonesia
Black ribbon eel
uw857_11 Gunturs Point - Manado - Indonesia
Cardinalfishes in hard coral
uw857_12 Gunturs Point - Manado - Indonesia
Cardinalfishes in hard coral
uw857_13 Gunturs Point - Manado - Indonesia
Cardinalfishes in hard coral
uw857_15 Gunturs Point - Manado - Indonesia
Cleaner shrimp in anemone
uw857_21 Gunturs Point - Manado - Indonesia
Frogfihes duo - white and yellow
Antennarius maculatus
uw857_27 Gunturs Point - Manado - Indonesia
Frogfihes duo - white and yellow
Antennarius maculatus
uw857_32 Gunturs Point - Manado - Indonesia
Spotted sweetlips
Plectorhinchus chaetodontoides
uw858_04 Gunturs Point - Manado - Indonesia
Soft coral shrimps
uw858_10 Gunturs Point - Manado - Indonesia
Soft coral shrimps
uw858_11 Gunturs Point - Manado - Indonesia
Soft coral shrimps
uw858_12 Gunturs Point - Manado - Indonesia
Squat lobster
Laureia siagiani
uw858_28 Gunturs Point - Manado - Indonesia
uw859_07a Fukui - Bunaken National Park National Park - Indonesia
Coral reef on Likuan wall
uw811_27 Likuan II - Bunaken - Indonesia
Orange gorgonian
uw812_16 Pulisang - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
uw812_20 Pulisang - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
uw812_21 Pulisang - North Sulawesi - Indonesia